Monday, December 30, 2019

Marketing Plan For Smart Goals - 992 Words

As you walk on a solid concrete foundation, you may not realize that the Smart Goal was implemented to achieve the goal that concrete conforms into a solid mass. In order for that structure to be successful a well thought out chemistry plan was designed, and instrumented through the SMART Goal success. To make your goal S.M.A.R.T., it needs to conform to the following criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. When implementing Smart Goals your mind needs to be clear and your thinking cap must be on and ready to explore and achieve the outcome. SMART goals provide one means of incorporating discipline in the planning process. I will prepare a Financial Plan for a prospect named Alice using the Smart Goals method to analyze her debt to ratio budget toward her future finances. Her preliminary focus is to pay off her student loan b. buy a house and save for children’s education c. accumulate assets d. retire e. travel around the world in a sailboat. Let’s begin the planning process. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting: Specific : A specific goal is stated in well-defined, specific terms using concrete action verbs (e.g. increase, establish, reduce) that focus on desired future results and leave no doubt as to what is to be achieved. What exactly do you want to achieve? The more specific your description, the bigger the chance you ll get exactly that. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting clarifies the difference between I want to be a millionaire and I want to makeShow MoreRelatedMercedes Canada Smart Car1473 Words   |  6 PagesMARKETING PRESENTATION PROJECT Mercedes Canada Smart Car Building on its success in the European market over the past few years, Mercedes-Benz Canada has launched the Smart Car in Canada! Following a few modifications to meet Canadian safety and emission standards, Mercedes-Benz is currently selling the Smart in Ontario as a trial before a full North American launch the following year. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Theme Of Ambition In Macbeth - 917 Words

Macbeth Essay In the play Macbeth, there are several different themes used by the author (Shakespeare). Some of the themes that are used in the play are ambition, guilt, things are not what they seem, and natural vs unnatural. Every theme used in the play is very important to the story. Ambition is one of the themes that is used in the play that are very important to the story. Most of the characters are shown to have ambition towards something at some point or another throughout Macbeth. One of the characters that shows a lot of ambition throughout the play is the main character, Macbeth. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is shown to have ambition towards becoming king. He does not show as much ambition towards killing Duncan as†¦show more content†¦Each character that shows guilt has their own reasons for showing it (Macduff for thinking that his familys death was his fault, Lady Macbeth for not telling anyone that Macbeth murdered Duncan and that she helped and Macbeth for killing Duncan), but they all felt it. As well as guilt and ambition, another theme of Macbeth is that things are not what they seem. This theme gets brought up several times, one of those times is right after Macbeth kills Duncan, another time this theme is brought up is when Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to hide the fact that he was planning to kill Duncan, from Duncan. Before Macbeth kills Duncan, Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to hide that he is going to kill Duncan it is another example of the theme that things are not always what they seem. She says Look like th innocent flower, But be the serpent under t (Shakespeare 1.5) to Macbeth in order to tell him how to hide his murderous intent. Another example of this theme is when Duncan says This castle hath a pleasant seat. The air Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself Unto our gentle senses, this is a part of the theme that things are not what they seem because Duncan sees Macbeths castle as a nice, sweet place and it is actually a dark place where he is going to be murdered. One other theme that is very important to the story of Macbeth is natural vs unnatural. A few examples of this theme being used inShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Ambition In Macbeth1038 Words   |  5 PagesShakespeares Macbeth, means that the blood of the victim will seek out the blood of the murderer; in this case, that is Macbeth. This play is full of many central themes that display the different sides of the characters. Although Macbeth proves to be very power hungry; greed, ambition, and also revenge fuel the individuals in this play, whether it be for the right or wrong reasons. Ambition, a strong desire to do or achieve something, is a theme that shows throughout all of Macbeth. The most ambitiousRead MoreTheme Of Ambition In Macbeth1277 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeare’s play of Macbeth tells a tragedy that was caused by the major theme of ambition, which is greatly emphasized throughout the story by having Lady Macbeth, a key character whose ambition will push her husband Macbeth to the edge along with his flaw of being too ambitious where the two become the driving force of the play that will eventually seal their fate. In the play, Macbeth who is the main character has the flaw of having too much ambition but his conscience will hold back his desiresRead MoreTheme Of Ambition In Macbeth1552 Words   |  7 PagesIn the play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, ambition is the key theme throughout the plot. It is the sole reason the events occur as they do. Many refer to Macbeth as the play of ambition due to this very reason. However, as we read through the play we begin to see effects of each character’s desires on themselves as well as those who surround them. We see some characters follow their ambition through violent ways while some achieve it through manipulation. Three characters in particularRead MoreTheme Of Ambition In Macbeth1213 Words   |  5 PagesAmbition, a trait which underlines success, but while unchecked can lead to self or societal corruption. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, â€Å"Macbeth†, a brave general falls into tyranny and paranoia after he ac ts immorally upon the witches prophecies. Macbeth’s pursuit of long lasting power reveals the consequences of hubris and unchecked ambition, which ultimately leads to the the deterioration of his human nature and the corruption of the kingdom. Through the use of thematic motif, the theme ofRead MoreTheme Of Ambition In Macbeth876 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeare’s 17th century play Macbeth, is a timeless tale of fate, power, and the consequences of ambition. Despite vastly different interpretations across the centuries due to different cultural and historical contexts, the story remains powerful and relevant today because of its universal themes. Since the play was essentially written for King James I, Shakespeare heavily reinforces the king’s own beliefs and values. Although we do not follow these doctrines in the present day, the literary techniquesRead MoreTheme Of Ambition In Macbeth754 Words   |  4 PagesOne theme in Macbeth is ambition. We see all diff erent types of ambition through out the story. The first instance is when Macbeth sends a letter to his wife tell her what the weird sisters said. He told Lady Macbeth that they said he would become king after becoming Thane of Cowdar. He also told him wife that he would to anything to make sure that comes true. After Lady Macbeth read this she wanted to make sure her husband would become king. She has a few concerns though, To catch the nearest way:Read MoreTheme Ambition In Macbeth985 Words   |  4 Pagesconsequences. Macbeth was written in 1606 by Shakespeare. It is important that you understand the text in order for you to know what is going on in the play. Federigo’s Falcon was written in the 14th Century after the Black Plague. The story was told the 5th day of the journey. Beowulf is an Old English epic poem that has 3182 long lines. It is important because it is written in Old English and is the oldest poem. It was written in the time between the 8th and the 11th ce ntury. The theme ambition is seenRead MoreThe Themes Of Ambition In Shakespeares Macbeth853 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent themes displayed in Shakespeares famous play Macbeth. Many of these themes play with nature, the supernatural, and fate. From ghosts to horses eating each other the play uses symbolism, language, and characters to portray these themes. During the play the audience learns of several themes such as ambition, guilt, fate versus free will, nature versus the unnatural, and how things are not always as they seem. Anyone who has read or seen Macbeth knows that his great undoing was his ambition. AmbitionRead MoreTheme Of Ambition In Macbeth915 Words   |  4 PagesThe undeniable power of unbridled ambition and its ramifications are extensively portrayed within William Shakespeare’s tragedy; Macbeth. Within this play, ambition is portrayed as a corrupting and unquenchable force through the main concepts of mental imbalance, supernatural behaviors and betrayal. The consuming desires of Macbeth and their repercussions are vividly enhanced through the use of various expressive literary techniques. Ultimately, Macbeth is a play that explores and reiterates theRead MoreThe Theme Of Ambition In Macbeth And Enders Game880 Words   |  4 PagesAmbition in human nature is so powerful that it can blind one’s vision of achieving success. Both Lady Macbeth’s ambition from Shakespeare’s MacBeth and Peter’s ambition from Card’s Ender’s Game blinds judgement and logic, and they eventually end up more harming than succeeding. In the play MacBeth by Shakespeare, MacBeth is strangely met by three witches, who declares his prophecy of being king, but later losing the crown. Lady MacBeth ambitious goal for MacBeth remain king results in her going

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Marketing Research Krispy Kreme Free Essays

string(128) " Is the amount of people or has the same characteristic in the similar way or the same way which include all sex and every age\." GROUP MEMBER [pic] †¢ Usarat Rungruangrattanawadee1531007027 †¢ Chavivuth Soonthornsima 1511001933 †¢ Tirapitch Pichitnorakarn 1511007096 †¢ Arnuphap Chaiyaraj 1531007209 †¢ Pavinee Pinijkijsopon1531007530 Exclusive Summary As you know Thailand has many brand of donut and last year have new brand come to Thailand it is Krispy Kreme Doughnut. First time that they promote everyone interesting and exciting about that. Now it not interesting like beginning period. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Krispy Kreme or any similar topic only for you Order Now So, our group would like to study about customer preference and want to know about customer satisfaction with price, place, taste and location of Krispy Kreme Doughnut. We try to know all customer think with Krispy Kreme Doughnut and also our competitor. We use many methods to do the research. For this research we get some limitation from whether, time, confusing with questionnaire, and etc. As we research we get good information back for analyze the data and code data for do graph. Introduction Background 1937s A Humble Beginning †¢ Krispy Kreme Began More Than 70 Years Ago In Winston-Salem, NC †¢ Our Founder, Vemon Rudolph, Bought a Yeast-Raised Doughnut Recipe From a Chef in New Orleans. †¢ Today, All Krispy Kreme Stores Use the Same Proprietary Recipe That Was Used 70 Years Ago! 940s 1950s A History of Innovation 40s50s †¢ Improving the doughnut Making process through Innovation from the Beginning †¢ Krispy Kreme Was the First to Automate the Doughnut Making Process Soon After We Opened. †¢ These Innovation Remain the Foundation of Our Doughnut-Making Process Today 1960s 1970s The Store Experience 60s 70s (Our St ores are Fun Gathering place for Friends) †¢ The Store Expereince is the Brand for Our Customers. †¢ For Year, Krispy Kreme Stores Have Been Fun Places for Friends and Families to Gather Our â€Å"Doughnut Theatre† and You Team’s Great Customer Service are Critical Components. 1980s 1990s Hot Original Glazed 80s 90s (The famous hot doughnut experience) †¢ Krispy Kreme Signature Product Original is Our Original Glazed †¢ Our World Famous â€Å"Hot Now† Sign Signals To consumers that making Fresh Product †¢ Customer Young and Old Love Watching the Doughnuts Being Made Today Growing the Brand Worldwide (Sharing the Krispy Kreme experience) †¢ Today, Krispy Kreme has Stores in the United States, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. †¢ We have More Than 500 Stores in 18 Countries More than 60% of Krispy Kreme’s Stores are Now Outside the US †¢ This Year, Krispy Kreme Hopes to Open Our First Stores in Domini can Republic, Thailand and Taiwan! Krispy Kreme in Thailand †¢ Krispy Kreme open in Thailand at Siam Paragon since 28 Sep, 2010 Situation Analysis First Krispy Kreme launchs in Bangkok at Siam Paragon. It has a Krispy Kreme trend because they have promotion for 100 prople get free Krispy Kreme but the first person of 100 people will get Krispy Kreme free all year. People very interest and excited about Krispy Kreme. Before it lunch in Bangkok, it reputation in aboard. For first 4-5 months, it has very long queues out of Siam Paragon. Someone who waiting in queues for re-sell all opposite side at Siam Paragon, they will up price about 10-20 baht per piece or someone get 50-100 baht per box for waiting in queues instead of the person who want it. Now Krispy Kreme is quiet, no body waiting for buy Krispy Kreme, you can walk to the shop and buy it without waiting in long queues. Now it has variety for favors, first it launches only original favor. Research Objective †¢ To study Krispy Kreme Customer Preference. †¢ To know customer satisfaction with price. To know customer satisfaction with place such as atmosphere, decoration and convenience. †¢ To know customer satisfaction with taste such as soft and sweet. †¢ To know customer satisfaction with reputation. †¢ To know some improvement that we think customer will accept or it will effect with customer or not. †¢ The last objective that we want to know is about competitor. Define problem and opportunity identification Problem is Thai people interest with Krispy Kreme lower than the beginning period, so male Krispy Kreme no more long queues although Krispy Kreme launch more favors, but not attraction customer like beginning period. Now Krispy Kreme has not yet opens a new branch although I think Krispy Kreme must to open new branch. Limitation of the study Our main target is student, so we divide into two groups for research. The first group is BU Student at City Campus and Second group is Student around Siam Paragon and BTS (Siam station). First limitation that we met we can’t do the research inside Siam Paragon, so we must to go outside it and stand at BTS. We go to research about 5 pm; this time is the times for student go for tutor. We have some problem about student don’t have more time for do our questionnaire. And we stay at BTS, we will met student who also hurry to back home. Until we meet one group in front of Siam Paragon, we go for research them but security guard is not allowing to research front of Siam Paragon. Second limitation that we met is some people they don’t understand some question and some people who say no with the question that we ask about last one month you ever consume Krispy Kreme or not, so it make that questionnaire fail. I must to do more questionnaires because we need 30 questionnaires. The last limitation that we met is weather, first of all we will stay at Siam Square, the place that reseller sell Krispy Kreme Donught but that they is raining day, so it make our can’t stay there. It hard to do questionnaire in raining day. Finally we decide to divide in to two groups first stay around BTS. We stand different door. Finally, The problem that we meet is from confusing with question, place and weather that we survey is not convenience for do the research but finally we get questionnaire enough to do the research although it has correct one and wrong one. Method Definition of the population Is the amount of people or has the same characteristic in the similar way or the same way which include all sex and every age. You read "Marketing Research Krispy Kreme" in category "Essay examples" Person are likely the same things and from one to others, they all in a group and as a group we called â€Å"population†. For example our group project we doing a research about donut which is the most popular and famous in Thailand now called â€Å"Crispy Cream† located in paragon shopping mall. As we research we want to know the amount of population which has the same things in the same ways such as like to eat donut or like to do the same activities, we don’t target only people who are under 30 but we do target all sex, age and people who are in Bangkok too. Therefore population are large group of people not even in the country can be all over the world who like to do or eat in the same or similar things. And if we want to target something we can target in a whole group of people which means population of something we want to target such as we want to know population of people who loves to eat donut especially â€Å"Crispy Cream†. Every research must have their population of their project which can tell u to analyze that people who you are targeting is like or dislike your product or services. These can tell u little more about people or customers are interest in your product or not. For example if high population it might means they like your product or service but if low population so which means that they might not be interest or not in the trends of nowadays. Sample plan and sample size Our sample plan is that we have conducted the sample of 30 respondents between the age of 16-25 both high school and university students who are consuming KrispyKreame donuts. To understand how these age group of people buying decision on the KrispyKreame products on their preference on taste, price, reputation, quality of the products. The population of ours target is the people in Bangkok who consuming the donuts whether consume themselves or buy for other people as a gift. However, the total surveys that we have conducted was 50 questionnaires but only 30 of them which can be useful for conclude the final sample which gives us 60% of the total sample size that we have been given out for the surveys. Ours sample method was we have used an exploratory method but in questionnaire type and we let them to fill out the form by themselves and as we have a cluster sampling type of method which mean we have selected the group of ours sample size for this particular surveys. Furthermore, the sampling method for ours survey was probability sample type as we have select the sample which in equal chance to be select to fill out the questionnaire. We have resampling the sample to conclude the result by looking at the sample that we have gathered to judge the total population of people who like to consume donuts in Bangkok area. Development of the questionnaire We started developed our questionnaire to answer the objectives. The questionnaire was created by all members in group. First time we draft developed it in class room to know just like which direction we will ask. We also make sure by consult with the instructor about the content in questionnaire. After that we had meeting again to do questionnaire in details. Each member helps together to developed questionnaire and tries to show the ideas and the benefit of that question to fit with the objective. We had use of computer and networks to help in developed the questionnaire by type and design the questionnaire. We also sent the questionnaire through the E-mail to each member in our group to help together to recheck the questionnaire in term of the word understanding and design again before launch it to the public in testing the questionnaire within BU city campus. After that we fix the questionnaire again before use it in real surveys. We chose Closed- ended type to be our question response format. We use both Dichotomous which provide two response options and Multiple response which provide more than two response options. We design to use closed –ended question because it provide options on the questionnaire which help respondent to answer quickly and easily. The more benefit is this type of question is also easier to analyze the data which proper for short period of time that we have. Moreover we also use Scaled- response format to measure the attributes of the Krispy Kreme doughnuts. We design in Unlabled scale which is purely numerical that allow respondent to express feeling and it also easily to code the data. There are more details in each questions following; †¢ The first part of questionnaire is Screening questions. It helps us to identify which questionnaire can be the sample or the representative of the research. The screening questions start from question number one to three. ? The question one is â€Å"Have you been purchased Krispy Kreme doughnuts during the last one month? † This question will be separate respondent who is the representative apart from who is not by the answer. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question two is â€Å"How often do you consume Krispy Kreme doughnuts a month? † The purpose is to know the frequency of consuming Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The Scale of measurement is Interval scales because distance between each descriptor is equal. ? The question three is â€Å"Where did you buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts? † The purpose is to know is the respondent buy doughnuts from the Krispy Kreme directly or buy from the reseller. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. †¢ The second part of questionnaire is General question. It will be the question about the purpose of buying Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and why. The general questions start from question number four to eight. The question four is â€Å"How did you know Krispy Kreme doughnuts? † The purpose is to know which way they know Krispy Kreame doughnuts. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question five is â€Å"Purpose of buying Krispy Kreme doughnuts? † The purpose is to know the objective of buying Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The Scale of measurement i s Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question six is â€Å"if you see long queue, do you want to wait in queue or not? † The purpose is to know the tendency of who will wait in queue if there is line. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question seven is â€Å"Why you want to waiting queue? † The purpose is to know the reason why they still want to wait in queue. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question eight is â€Å"Why did you buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts? † The purpose is to know reason why they buy. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. †¢ The third part of questionnaire is Preference. This will give depth data in term of Krispy Kreme attributes. There will be sub-questions for question nine which give data in scale about price, taste (soft and sweet), quality, reputation and location (atmosphere, decoration and convenience). The purpose is to know customer preference in each attributes. The Scale of measurement is Interval scales because distance between each descriptor is equal. †¢ The fourth part of question is Compettition. This will help to generate data about the rivals of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The questions start from question number ten to thirteen. ? The question number ten is â€Å"Do you purchase others donuts brand while purchase Krispy Kreme doughnuts? The purpose is to know that do the representative still buy other doughnuts brand while buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question eleven is â€Å"Which doughnuts brand that you purchase apart from Krispy Kreme doughnuts? † The purpose is to know who the Krispy Kreme doughnuts rivals are. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question twelve is â€Å"From question no 11: why do you purchase those doughnut brands? † The purpose is to know reason why the representatives still buy those brands. This may help to identify which attribute is Krispy Kreme do not well. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question thirteen is â€Å"Please rank which donut brands do you prefer the most? † The purpose is to know which brand do the representative prefer (order in rank). The Scale of measurement is Ordinal scales because provide rank-order to respondent. †¢ The fifth part of question is Improvement. These will help to know what could be improving for Krispy Kreme. The questions start from number fourteen to fifteen. ? The question fourteen is â€Å". If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts has a membership card, would it make you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts more than before or not? The purpose is to understand the potential of customer preference in membership card that may affect frequency of buying. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question fifteen is â€Å"If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts launch new branch, where would you like it be located? † The purpose is to know where representative want Krispy Kreme to open new branch. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. The sixth part of question is Personal data. This part will be detail about the representative which shows gender, ages, occupation and income per month. The purpose is to know details about the representative. The questions start from number sixteen to nineteen. ? The question sixteen is â€Å"Gender†. The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. ? The question seventeen is â€Å"age† The Scale of measurement is Interval scales because distance between each descriptor is equal. ? The question eighteen is â€Å"Occupation† The Scale of measurement is Nominal scales because it uses only labels in questionnaire. The question nineteen is â€Å"Income per month† The Scale of measurement is Interval scales because distance between each descriptor is equal. Questionnaire No. ___________ Interviewer’s name ___________ Bangkok University International College Questionnaire for Marketing Research Hello, I am student at Bangkok University International College. I would like to conduct survey about Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. I would like to ask you few questions about your experience with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. It will take only few minute and this questionnaire is part of term project of Marketing Research and it will be confidentially. Thank you for your spending time to response to the questionnaire. / / / Please answer the following question by mark (in ( given below: ( ( Screening Questions ( ) 1. Have you been purchased Krispy Kreme Doughnuts during the last one month? (1 ) Yes ( ) No ( ) 2. How often do you consume Krispy Kreme Doughnuts a month? ( ) Once (1 )2-4 times (2-4 ) 5-7 times (5-7 )More than 7 ( 7 ) 3. Where did you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( ) Krispy Kreme Doughnuts shop at Siam Paragon ( ) By reseller ( ) General Questions ( ) 4. How did you know Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( Friend( )Experience ( ) Media and Advertising ( )Other Please specify (_____) 5. Purpose of buying Krispy Kreme Doughnuts ( ) Consume ( )Resell ( ) Gift ( )Other Please specify (_____) 6. If you see long queue, do you want to wait in queue or not? ( ) Yes ( ) No (Skip question no. 7) ( 7) 7. Why you want to waiting queue? ( ) Trend( )Fashion ( ) Want to try/eat ( / )Other Please specify (_____) 8. Why did you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( ) Price ( ) Reputation ( ) Taste ( )Location ( ) Quality ( )Other Please specify (____) Preference ( ) 9. How did you rate Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in term oftheir price, taste, quality, reputation and location? ( , , , ) | |Low( | | | | |High( ) | | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 | |9. 1 Price ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 2 Taste ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | | 9. 2. 1 Soft ( |   |   |   |   |   |   | | 9. 2. 2 Sweet ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 3 Quality ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 4 Reputation ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. Location ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | | 9. 5. 1 Atmosphere |   | |   |   |   |   | |( ) | | | | | | | | 9. 5. 2 Decoration |   |   |   |   |   |   | |( | | | | | | | | 9. 5. 3 Convenience |   |   |   |   |   |   | |( ) | | | | | | | Co mpetition ( ) 10. Do you purchase others donut brand while purchase Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( Yes ( ) No ( ) 11. Which donut brand that you purchase apart from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? (Answer more than one) ( 1 ) Bapple Donut Daddy Dough Dunkin’DonutsMister Donut Other (Please specify___________) 12. Form question no. 11; why do you purchase those Donut brand? ( 11 ) Price ( )Taste ( ) Quality ( )Location ( ) Other (Please specify___________) 13. Please rank which Donut brands do you prefer the most ( ) (1-5 1 5 ; 1= most , 5 = lease ) ____________ Bapple Donut ( ) ____________ Daddy Dough ( ) ____________ Dunkin’Donuts ( ) ____________ Krispy Kreme Doughnuts ( ) ____________ Mister Donut ( ) Improvement ( ) 14. If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts has a membership card, would it make you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts more than before or not? ( Yes ( ) No ( ) 15. If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts launch new branch, where would you like it be located? ( ) Central Plaza ( )The Emporium ( ) The mall ( )Robinson ( ) Super market (Tesco Lotus, Big C, Careful, and etc) ( , , ) Other (Please specify___________) Personal Data ( ) 16. Gender ( ) Male ( )Female ( ) 17. Age ( ) Less than 20 ( 20)21-25 30. 1-35 More than 35( 35) 18. Occupation ( ) Student ( / )Office Worker ( ) Business Owner ( )Other Please specify___________ ( ) 19. Income per month ( ) Less than 10,000 ( 10,000)10,001-15,000 15,001-20,000More than 20,0000 ( 20,000 ) ___________________________ Thank You ________________________ / Data collection method We design to use Exploratory research method to gain background information about the research topic. Exploratory also can help in define term and clarify problem. We use Secondary information to know and understand history or background of the company. It will provide how, when it establish and by whom. Normally, Exploratory research will be unstructured but for Krispy Kreme research we will use quantitative research to help in collection the data. The survey will use questionnaire which is structured question for respondent. The reason is that it can use with a large number of respondents and also easily for code and analysis. In collection mode, we use Self-administered which respondent have to completes the survey by his or her own. It is the most popular way in collection mode; some time people called it paper and pencil survey. The reason for using Self- administered is cost reduction and respondent can control the answer so, it will be affect to time saving. The location that we went to do survey is Siam Square and BU city campus. The reason is that our sample will be students who are in high school and university student. As the lifestyle of this group of people is like to hang out at Siam square so, Siam square is the place that majority of that student group like to go. If we went to Siam square we will get data from many type of student in that group. We divide members group to do survey in three small groups. To be faster to collection the data and avoid shy to do questionnaire with big group of researcher. In depth detail of the location, we did survey at BTS Siam, BU city campus. By the BTS Siam, we divide into two group because there is big area that can do survey. Nonsampling error reduction There are many types of errors that might occur during the questionnaire survey some might be avoidable but some might not due to the respondent’s behavior of the survey. However, the error also occurs with the field workers who hand the survey to the entire respondent to fill, they might not be effective to give the respondent an explanation of the question since they did not understand and explain the question to the respondent well. Furthermore, interviewer might perform their job by unsatisfied reaction to the respondent if they ask too many questions on the survey and might show it to the respondent by tone, body language or characteristic of the interviewer. Some might not give the respondent full explanation of the objective of the survey. This will lead to respondent error, since they did not understand how to answer so they did not answer it correctly or answer it guessing since they unsure on the question or whether they intent to committed an error on purpose since they did not attend to focus on the survey as they might be in the hurry or on the way to work or see friends or get tired from work so they did not willing to answer it properly. Some might get a distraction on the location of the surveys by interruption or crowed places to be able to fill the questionnaire. However, we can reduce such error by supervision on the field workers or training them on the understanding of the survey before let them out on the field. And for the respondent, we might check the answer before letting them go or go thought the question with them on by one so they can give the best possible answer. Not only an on field surveys that encounter a problem but other kinds of survey such as an online, mail, calling surveys also have the same problems. For an online survey, the respondent might have done more than one survey or might not answer the certain question that they did not want the interviewer to know such salary or occupation etc. Moreover, some even avoid to do it since they can just close the page on the web to avoid answer it. For mailing surveys might have a high set up cost to send to each household and might not get the mail back as they might consider a junk mail. Telephone survey, the interviewer have to follow up the respondent as some people might not be home or lazy to answer it on the phone since the might be in the middle of something such as cooking their meal, watching their favorite program. So to avoid such an error the interviewer might have to screening the questionnaire first before it complete, inspect the grammar error that might have confuse the reader and also the answer might have to be clear ,for example, scale question from 1 to 5 the respondent might answer only 5 or in the middle like 3. So these kind of screening might have been consider and need to be eliminate before conducting the questionnaire. Or providing a sample questionnaire to see whether the problems are might have occurred during the pretest. In addition, close supervise data collection and provide training to give the interviewer the best effort are also needed to minimize the error. Data analysis 1. For the question, â€Å"Have you been purchased Krispy Kreme Doughnuts during the last one month? † We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph is response rate result from the survey is show that the 60% or 30 people of 50 answer Yes (Mode), while 40% or 20 people of 50 answer NO. (See graph at p. 31) 2. For the question, How often do you consume Krispy Kreme Doughnuts a month? We analyse by using Mean which result is 1. 2667(fx = 38 / N= 30) The graph result from the survey is show that the majority of the sample said they eat Krispy Kreme once a month which is 26 people out of 30 people as a percentage of 86. 67 percent. Next, the second high is 4 people out of 30 as a percentage of 13. 3 percent eat Krispy Kreme 2-4 times a month. Nobody said eat 5-7 times and more than 7 times a month. (See graph at p. 31) 3. This graph shows about where did you buy Krispy Kreme Dougnuts? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. We research about 30 people. The majority of the respondent prefer to buy by Krispy Kreme Dougnuts shop (Mode) at Siam Paragon about 28 people out of 30 as a percen tage of 93. 33 percent and people who choose buy by reseller are about 2 people out of 30 as a percentage of 6. 67 percent. Finally, the people who consume Krispy Kreme Dougnuts they like to buy by shop at Siam Paragon more than they buy by reseller. (See graph at p. 32 ) 4. For the question, How did you know Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph result from the survey is show that majority of sample said they know Krispy Kreme from Media and Advertising (Mode) which count as 14 people out of 30 as a percentage of 46. 67 percent. The second high is people know Krispy Kreme from Friend which is 13 people out of 30 as a percentage of 43. 3 percent. The third high is people know Krispy Kreme from Experience which is 3 people out of 30. (See graph at p. 32) 5. For the question, Purpose of buying Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph result from the survey is show that the majority of sample said they buy Krispy Kreme for Consume (Mode) which is 26 people out of 30 as a percentage of 86. 67percent. The second high is they buy Krispy Kreme to be Gift which is 4 people out of 30 as a percentage of 13. 33 percent. And nobody answer resell in the research. (See graph at p. 33) 6. For the question, If you see long queue, do you want to wait in queue or not? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph result from the survey is show that the majority of sample said No (Mode) in wait in queue which is 77% out of 100%. Another said Yes which is 23% out of 100%. (See graph at p. 33) 7. For this graph talk about Why you want to waiting queue? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph result from the survey is show that 100% said they waiting queue bacause they want to try/eat Krispy Kreme doughnuts (Mode). (See graph at p. 34) 8. For the question, why did you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph result from the survey is show that majority of sample choose Reputation to be reason why they buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts which is 15 people out of 30 or (50%). The second high that people choose is Taste which is 11 people out of 30 or (36. 67%). There are 3 people out of 30or ( 10%) choose other which they said trend and variety. There are 1 people out of 30 said location and another 1 people out of 30 30or ( 3. 33%) said quality. The choice that nobody answers in the research is price. (See graph at p. 34 ) 9. This graph shows about the rank that customer rate with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in term of their price, taste, quality, reputation and location. We analyse by using Mean which result for price is 3. 47 (fx = 104 / N= 30), soft is 4. 67 (fx = 139 / N= 30), sweet is 4. 47 (fx = 134 / N= 30), quality is 4. 3 (fx = 133 / N= 30), reputation is 5. 07 (fx = 152 / N= 30), atmosphere is 4. 07 (fx = 122 / N= 30), decoration is 3. 83 (fx = 115 / N= 30), conveneinve is 3. 37 (fx = 101 / N= 30). The first graph is shows Price, respondent prefer price in rank 3 with 19 people out of 30 as a percentage of 63. 33 percent. For the taste we divide into two categories are soft and sweet. For soft respondent choose Rank 4 with 10 people o ut of 30 as a percentage of 33. 33 percent and sweet respondent choose same Rank as 4,5 and 6 with 8 people out of 30, as a percentage of 26. 67 percent. For the quality respondent prefer rank 4 with 12 people out of 30 as a percentage of 40 percent. For reputation respondent prefer rank 5 with 13 people out of 30 as a percentage of 43. 33 percent. The last one is show location, we divided in to 3 categories. First one is atmosphere respondent prefer rank 4 with 12 people out of 30 as a percentage of 40 percent. Second is Decoration respondent prefer rank 3 with 12 people out of 30 as a percentage of 40 percent. Last one of location is convenience respondent prefer rank 3 with 10 people out of 30 as a percentage of 33. 3 percent. (See graph at p. 35) 10. For the question, Do you purchase others donut brand while consuming Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The graph result from the survey is show that the majority of sample 26 proplr out of 30 or 87% said they purchase others donut brand while consuming Krispy Kreme Doughnuts†YES† (Mode). Another part is 4 people out of 30 or 13% said they they did not buy others donut brand while consuming Krispy Kreme Doughnuts â€Å"NO†. (See graph at p. 35 ) 11. This graph shows about which donut brand that you purchase apart from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. It surprisingly, the most favorite donut brands that most of all the respondents on this survey preferred was Mister Donut (Mode) about 21 people out of 30 as a percentage of 70 percent, Dunkin’ donut and Daddy Dough are same as 12 people out of 30 as a percentage of 40 percent, last one is Bapple Donut is 6 people out of 30 as a percentage of 20 percent. (See graph at p. 36) 12. Form question no. 1; why do you purchase those Donut brand? This pie chart has show us the most preferences of people who buying other donuts brand in term of their price, taste, quality, location and other factors. We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. From what you can see taste (Mode) was the major factors that were considered by many people who are buying the other donut brands. Followed b y, location as it is easy to travel and with lots of transportations that can give them an easy access to get to the destination point. Furthermore, Siam Paragon is the place where most people are likely to go after work or meeting friends. Next, price was the third choice of buying and quality as a sequence. Since the price they would pay for the products must have the similar quality to the amount that they have pay their money for that why these 2 factors are follow each others. Other factors are considered to be last which is up to each individual person might have their own reason on their preferences. (See graph at p. 36) 13. This graph shows about Please rank which Donut brands do you prefer the most. We analyse by using Mean which result for Bapple Donut is 3. 7 (fx = 111 / N= 30), for Daddy Dough is 3. 2 (fx = 96 / N= 30), for Dunkin’Donuts is 2. 8 (fx = 84 / N= 30) for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is 2. 7 (fx = 81 / N= 30), for Mister Donut is 2. 5 (fx = 76 / N= 30)This graph shows us the brands prefer the most by the 30 respondents. We have rank from 1 to 5 forms most favorite to least favorite according to the numbers. As you can see from the 1 rank, Mister Donut has the most preferred by respondents with 13/30 as the percentage of 43. 33 %. At rank 2 Dunkin’ Donuts has overcome KrispyKreme Doughnuts by one person which give Dunkin’ Donuts the second favorite brand among KrispyKreme Doughnuts by 10/30 as the percentage of 36. 03%. Between the rank of 3-4, KrispyKreme Doughnuts and Daddy Dough has the same amount among these two ranks which give them the same the number of respondents of 8/10 as the percentage of 26. 66%. The least favor donut brand at rank number 5 was Bapple with consist of 12/30 respondents are choose to be the least favorite brands of all. (See graph at p. 37 ) 14. This graph shows about If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts has a membership card, would it make you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts more than before or not? We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. The respondent answer â€Å"Yes† (Mode) 17 people out of 30 as a percentage is 65. 67 percent and answer â€Å"No† 13 people out of 30 as a percentage is 43. 33 percent. So, if Krispy Kreme Doughnuts has a membership it can effective with some customer. (See graph at p. 37) 15. In ours survey we have asked that if KrispyKreame Doughnuts will launch a new branch, where they would like it to be located. We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. Out of 30 respondents, 19 people or 63. 33 percent have chosen Central Plaza (Mode) as their first choice, followed by Emporium with 6 people or 20 percent have chosen it. Supermarket, such as Tesco Lotus, Big C, and Careful has been chosen by 3 people or 10 percent and Robinson as the last choice which only 2 persons or 6. 67 percent have chooses it as the new location. (See graph at p. 38) 16. For this graph talk about gender of respondents. We analyze data by using Mode which is the value that occurs most frequently. From the survey that we have interviewed, we have found out that 25 out of 30 people who have done the survey was â€Å"female† as the percentage of 83. 33% in total, whereas, male only 5 out of 30 give us a percentage of 16. 67%. Therefore, most of the women give us almost 90% out of the total number of all the respondents who given up their time to filled out the questionnaire for ours interview. (See graph at p. 38) Conclusion and Suggestion Surprisingly, from all 30 respondents that we have survey we have found out that the majority of Thai people prefer Mister Donut more than any other donut brands. Which give KrispyKreme Doughnut come behind Mister Donut and Dunkin’ Donut. So we can conclude form ours survey that Thai people are like to try new product as it first opening their products by giving to AF contender on TV show and many people may want to try it and wondering whether it is as good as it say or not. However, Mister Donut may be tastier to Thai people taste as it been in business for far longer than KrispyKreme Doughnuts so they know how Thai people taste would like it. In contrast, the reason Mister Donut was the first majority that Thai people are consider as their top donut brands might be that the price for these two brands are quite different to each others and many Thai people are mostly at the middle class status so Mister Donut would be the most reasonable price for many Thai people follow by Dunkin† Donut as both brands have a similar in term of the price. Whereas, KrispyKreme Doughnuts mainly target the upper class status people who have more purchasing power to buy. Where others donut brands might not fit Thai people taste such as Daddy Dough and Bapple might be to sweet or at the same price they would consider of buying KrispyKreme Doughnuts instead. To sum up, according to ours survey we can refer that price was the main reason for Thai people when they consider to buy the product whether such product are food or cloth or electronic stuff. Our suggestion we think KrispyKreme Doughnuts should have a new branch at Central Plaza because, we got the result that if KrispyKreme Doughnuts have a new branch where would respondents like it be located, almost people choose Central Plaza. I think if KrispyKreme Doughnuts have a new branch at Central Plaza it easily for consumer to buy KrispyKreme Doughnuts. By survey respondents think location it not more convenience for them. This is some suggestion that we think for KrispyKreme Doughnuts to reach more consumers. Appendix Bangkok University International College Questionnaire for Marketing Research For the coding we will show how we change choice of answer to be number in coding process. We will show the number that we use instead of label in color number after each choice. The coding number will show in red color Please answer the following question by mark (in ( given below: ( ( Screening Questions ( ) 1. Have you been purchased Krispy Kreme Doughnuts during the last one month? (1 ) Yes ( ) (1) No ( ) (2) 2. How often do you consume Krispy Kreme Doughnuts a month? ( ) Once (1 ) (1) 2-4 times (2-4 ) (2) 5-7 times (5-7 ) (3)More than 7 ( ) (4) 3. Where did you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( ) Krispy Kreme Doughnuts shop at Siam Paragon ( ) (1) By reseller ( ) (2) General Questions ( ) 4. How did you know Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( ) Friend( )(1) Experience ( ) (2) Media and Advertising ( ) (3) Other Please specify (___) (4) 5. Purpose of buying Krispy Kreme Doughnuts ( Consume ( ) (1) Resell ( ) (2) Gift ( ) (3) Other Please specify (___) (4) 6. If you see long queue, do you want to wait in queue or not? ( ) Yes ( ) (1) No (Skip question no. 7) ( 7) (2) 7. Why you want to waiting queue? ( ) Trend( ) (1) Fashion ( ) (2) Want to try/eat( / )(3) Other Please specify (_) 4 ) 8. Why did you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( ) Price ( ) (1) Reputation ( ) (2) Taste ( ) (3)Location ( ) (4) Quality ( ) (5)Other Please specify (___) (6) Preference ( ) 9. How did you rate Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in term oftheir price, taste, quality, reputation and location? ( , , , ) | |Low( | | | | |High( ) | | |1(1) |2(2) |3(3) |4(4) |5(5) |6(6) | |9. 1 Price ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 2 Taste ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | | 9. 2. 1 Soft ( |   |   |   |   |   |   | | 9. 2. 2 Sweet ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 3 Quality ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 4 Reputation ( ) |   |   |   |   |   |   | |9. 5 Location ( |   |   |   |   |   |   | | 9. 5. 1 Atmosphere |   |   |   |   |   |   | |( ) | | | | | | | | 9. 5. 2 Decoration |   |   |   |   |   |   | |( | | | | | | | | 9. 5. 3 Convenience |   |   |   |   |   |   | |( ) | | | | | | | Comp etition ( ) 10. Do you purchase others donut brand while purchase Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? ( ) Yes ( ) (1) No ( ) (2) 11. Which donut brand that you purchase apart from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? (Answer more than one) ( 1 ) Bapple Donut (1) Daddy Dough(1) Dunkin’Donuts(1)Mister Donut(1) Other (Please specify___________) (1) * 1 it’s mean respondent choose that brand 12. Form question no. 11; why do you purchase those Donut brand? ( 1 ) Price ( ) (1) Taste ( ) (2) Quality ( ) (3)Location ( ) (4) Other (Please specify___________) (5) 13. Please rank which Donut brands do you prefer the most ( ) (1-5 1 5 ; 1= most , 5 = lease ) ____________ Bapple Donut ( ) ____________ Daddy Dough ( ) ____________ Dunkin’Donuts ( ) ____________ Krispy Kreme Doughnuts ( ) ____________ Mister Donut ( *It code by how many respondent prefer with 1(most) – 5(lease) in each rank Improvement ( ) 14. If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts has a membership card, would it make you buy Krispy Kreme Doughnuts more than before or not? ( ) 15. If Krispy Kreme Doughnuts launch new branch, where would you like it be located? ( ) Central Plaza ( ) (1)The Emporium ( ) (2) The mall ( ) (3)Robinson ( ) (4) Super market Tesco Lotus, BigC, Careful, and etc) ( , , ) (5) Other (Please specify___________) (6) Personal Data ( ) 16. Gender ( ) Male ( ) (1)Female ( ) (2) 17. Age ( ) Less than 20 ( 20) (1)21-25 (2) 31. (3) 31-35(4) More than 35( 35) (5) 18. Occupation ( ) Student ( / ) (1)Office Worker ( ) (2) Business Owner ( ) (3)Other Please specify_________ ( ) (4) 19. Income per month ( Less than 10,000 ( 10,000) (1)10,001-15,000(2) 15,001-20,000(3)More than 20,0000 ( 20,000) (4) ___________________________ Thank You _________________ / Coding [pic] [pic] [pic] Graphs 1. Response rate [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic] 5. [pic] 6. [pic] 7. [pic] 8. [pic] 9. [pic] 10. [pic] 11. [pic] 12. [pic] 13. [pic] 14. [pic] 15. [pic] 16. [pic] References †¢ Gilbert A. Chu rchchill, Jr. , and Tom J. Brown (2007), Basic Marketing Research (6th ed. ), International Edition: Thomson South-Western. †¢ http://www. krispykreme. co. th/ How to cite Marketing Research Krispy Kreme, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Surgery Programs Hasten Recovery after Colorectal Resections

Question: Describe about collect sufficient data about the service procedure system of ERAS in order to satisfy the demand of the patients? Answer: Introduction: This particular research provides an in-depth understanding about enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS). It is nothing but a multimodal pathway in order to provide a proper care and guidance to the patients before, during and after the surgery. Consequently, the family members of the patient party feel very safety and secured. There are several advantages of ERAS program. With the help of this particular program, patients become highly benefited. Therefore, this particular study has focused to the experience of several patients who have gone through with this specific program. Several relevant questions have been asked to them in order to know whether this particular program is at all able to provide them a positive response. For that purpose, a qualitative research has been made in order to collect the feedback from the patients about the relevance of ERAS. Rationale: What is the issue? The issue of this particular research is to highlight the relevance of enhanced recovery after surgery program. Abraham (2011, p.3) stated that the experiences of various patients who have taken the help of ERAS have been collected. They have provided positive and negative response both. As a result, the researcher has intended to collect sufficient data in this particular topic so that the advantages and the disadvantages of ERAS can be highlighted. Furthermore, this particular research project aims at to focus on which specific areas ERAS should implement their plan and policy within the organization more effectively so that the patients can be more benefited in order to satisfy their demand. Why it is an issue: Ahmed et al. (2012, p.1040) commented that ERAS has been rendered in UK for past ten years. It tends to use multimodal approach in order to provide an effective delivery to the patients. Multimodal approach is primarily a therapy that emphasizes on behaviour therapy. It concentrates on the feeling, imagination and interaction with the patients. The patients needs to keep well and relaxed before, during and after the surgery. For that purpose, the service providers tend to use various methods in order to keep the patients relaxed. In some cases, it has been observed that patients have given a negative response to the researcher about ERAS. That is the reason for why this particular matter has become an issue in order to identify the drawbacks of this multimodal approach for why patients intend to make various complains. Why it is an issue now: David (2015, p.920) stated that it has become an issue now because many researchers have intended to conduct research about this particular topic. They have tried to evaluate what are the requirements of the patients from ERAS primarily. In this study as well, the research has concentrated on the fact that what particular strategy ERAS should follow so that they can gain the trust of the patients. In order to make an effect communication with the patients, the service providers of ERAS have to follow some relevant systems and policies that been highlighted in this particular research work. What does it shed light on? This particular research has primarily focused on the effectiveness of ERAS and its feedback on behalf of the students. It has been observed that patients have created many complains at the service process of ERAS. Gustafsson (2011, p.572) opined that Strong communication barriers have been made between the service providers and the patients. As a result, the researcher has focused how to overcome this kind of situation so that patients can interact with the service providers without any hesitation. That is the primary concern of the researcher to interact with the patients properly with the help of qualitative research work so that patients can get an effective service from the service providers. Discussion: This particular project aims to use qualitative research method in order to conduct the work successfully. Kwaan (2011, p.600) opined that Qualitative research is a method or technique of data collection. It intends to acquire an in-depth understanding about a particular event. Different interviews have been conducted in order to collect sufficient data and information. Moreover, the researcher likes to collect data by applying observation method as well. By making an effective conversation with the participants, the researcher is able to gather many necessary data in order to accomplish the project successfully. Furthermore, qualitative research method helps the participants to express their point of view in a detailed manner so that those data can enhance the standard of research work. The researcher has chosen qualitative research method for this particular research instead of quantitative research because of some relevant reasons. Quantitative research is primarily based on the surveys and questionnaires. Thus, data that have been collected from surveys and questionnaires are mainly concerned with statistical data. Lohsiriwat (2014, p.139) commented that statistical data is not applicable for this specific research because it is very specific. Thus, the researcher would not be able to collect necessary feedback from the patients. On the other hand, by making effective interview by applying qualitative data, the researcher is able to gather detailed data in order to execute the research systematically. Mortensen et al. (2014, p.1209) opined that an effective interaction has also been made with the ERAS professionals in order to know their process of treatment in the service. The researcher has collected information of what strategy they tend to use for dealing wit h the patients properly. In this project, the researcher has made a brief interview with five patients having an experience of ERAS. They have expressed their point of views whether it is positive or negative. Rems et al. (2010, p.143) stated that One of the patients has stated that the professionals of ERAS need to interact with the patients more effectively beyond going any kind of cultural or religious biasness. They do not treat every patient with equal respect and dignity. As a result, communication barriers arise in between the patient and the service providers. Consequently, patients do not become able to express their problems clearly because of communication barrier. Some of the relevant data have also been collected from the family members of one particular patient. Slim (2015, p.95) commented that one of the members has expressed their views that ERAS professionals sometimes tend to avoid providing immediate response so about the patients. This major drawbacks needs to be changed on behalf of the professionals in order to provide a good service to the patients. Conclusion: This particular study has focused to collect sufficient data about the service procedure system of ERAS in order to satisfy the demand of the patients. For that purpose, interviews have been made in order to acquire knowledge and information about the experience of the patients regarding ERAS. In order to gather data about this particular topic, qualitative research method have been used in this study instead of quantitative method. In addition, the researcher has conducted an effective interaction with three ERAS professionals for collecting sufficient data about the systems, strategies and policies of providing effective service to the patients. Reference List: Abraham, N. (2011). Enhanced recovery after surgery programs hasten recovery after colorectal resections, WJGS, 3(1), pp.1-5. Ahmed, J., Khan, S., Lim, M., Chandrasekaran, T. and MacFie, J. (2012). Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols - compliance and variations in practice during routine colorectal surgery, Colorectal Disease, 14(9), pp.1045-1051. David, T. (2015). Enhanced recovery after surgery programs in patients undergoing hepatectomy: A meta-analysis, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 21(30), p.920-1000. Gustafsson, U. (2011). Adherence to the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol and Outcomes After Colorectal Cancer Surgery, Arch Surgery, 146(5), pp.571-580. Kwaan, M. (2011). 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