Sunday, August 23, 2020

Admiral Togo Heihachiro in the Russo-Japanese War

Naval commander Togo Heihachiro in the Russo-Japanese War Early Life Career of Togo Heihachiro: The child of a samurai, Togo Heihachiro was conceived in Kagoshima, Japan on January 27, 1848. Brought up in the citys Kachiyacho region, Togo had three siblings and was instructed locally. After a generally tranquil adolescence, Togo previously observed military help at age fifteen when he took an interest in the Anglo-Satsuma War. The aftereffect of the Namamugi Incident and the homicide of Charles Lennox Richardson, the short clash saw boats of the British Royal Navy besiege Kagoshima in August 1863. In the wake of the assault, the daimyo (master) of Satsuma set up a naval force in 1864. With the formation of an armada, Togo and two of his siblings immediately enrolled in the new naval force. In January 1868, Togo was alloted to the side-wheeler Kasuga as a heavy weapons specialist and second rate class official. That equivalent month, the Boshin War between supporters of the sovereign and the powers of the shogunate initiated. Agreeing with the Imperial reason, the Satsuma naval force immediately got ready for marriage and Togo originally observed activity at the Battle of Awa on January 28. Staying on board Kasuga, Togo likewise partook in maritime fights at Miyako and Hakodate. Following the Imperial triumph in the war, Togo was chosen to consider maritime issues in Britain. Togo Studies Abroad: Leaving for Britain in 1871 with a few other youthful Japanese officials, Togo showed up in London where he got English language preparing and guidance in European traditions and propriety. Nitty gritty as a cadet to the preparation transport HMS Worcester at the Thames Naval College in 1872, Togo demonstrated a skilled understudy who as often as possible occupied with fisticuffs when called Johnny Chinaman by his schoolmates. Graduating second in his group, he set out as a normal sailor on the preparation transport HMS Hampshire in 1875, and circumnavigated the globe. During the journey, Togo became sick and his vision started to fizzle. Exposing himself to an assortment of medicines, some difficult, he dazzled his shipmates with his perseverance and absence of protest. Coming back to London, specialists had the option to spare his visual perception and he started an investigation of science with Reverend A.S. Capel in Cambridge. Subsequent to making a trip to Portsmouth for additional tutoring he at that point entering the Royal Naval College at Greenwich. Over the span of his examinations he had the option to observe firsthand the development of a few Japanese warships in British shipyards. Clashes at Home: Away during the 1877 Satsuma Rebellion, he missed the strife that it brought to his home area. Elevated to lieutenant on May 22, 1878, Togo got back on board the shielded corvette Hiei (17) which had as of late been finished in a British yard. Showing up in Japan, he was provided order of Daini Teibo. Moving to Amagi, he firmly watched Admiral Amã ©dã ©e Courbets French armada during the 1884-1885 Franco-Chinese War and went shorewards to watch French ground powers on Formosa. Subsequent to ascending to the position of skipper, Togo again wound up on the cutting edges toward the beginning of the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894. Telling the cruiser Naniwa, Togo sank the British-possessed, Chinese-contracted vehicle Kowshing at the Battle of Pungdo on July 25, 1894. While the sinking almost caused a discretionary occurrence with Britain, it was inside the imperatives of universal law and demonstrated Togo to be an ace of understanding the troublesome issues that could emerge in the worldwide field. On September 17, he drove Naniwa as a component of the Japanese armada at the Battle of the Yalu. The last boat in Admiral Tsuboi Kozos line of fight, Naniwa separated itself and Togo was elevated to raise chief of naval operations at the wars end in 1895. Togo in the Russo-Japanese War: With the contentions end, Togos profession started to slow and he traveled through different arrangements, for example, commandant of the Naval War College and authority of the Sasebo Naval College. In 1903, Navy Minister Yamamoto Gonnohyoe shocked the Imperial Navy by delegating Togo to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, making him the countries superior maritime pioneer. This choice grabbed the eye of Emperor Meiji who scrutinized the clergymen judgment. With the flare-up of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, Togo took the armada to the ocean and crushed a Russian power off Port Arthur on February 8. As Japanese ground powers laid attack to Port Arthur, Togo kept up a tight bar seaward. With the citys fall in January 1905, Togos armada led routine activities while anticipating the appearance of the Russian Baltic Fleet which was steaming to the combat area. Driven by Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky, the Russians experienced Togos armada close to the Straits of Tsushima on May 27, 1905. In the subsequent Battle of Tsushima, Togo completely obliterated the Russian armada and earned the moniker the Nelson of the East from the Western media. Later Life of Togo Heihachiro: With the wars end in 1905, Togo was made a Member of the British Order of Merit by King Edward VII and acclaimed far and wide. Leaving his armada order, he got Chief of the Naval General Staff and served on the Supreme War Council. In acknowledgment of his accomplishments, Togo was raised to hakushaku (check) in the Japanese peerage framework. Given the honorific title of armada chief of naval operations in 1913, he was named to administer the training of Prince Hirohito the next year. Acting in this job for 10 years, in 1926, Togo turned into the main non-imperial to be provided the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum. A passionate rival of the 1930 London Naval Treaty, which saw Japanese maritime force given an optional job comparative with the United States and Britain, Togo was additionally raised to koshaku (marquis) at this point Emperor Hirohito on May 29, 1934. The next day Togo passed on at age 86. Globally regarded, Great Britain, the United States, the Netherlands, France, Italy, and China every sent warship to participate in a Tokyo Bay maritime procession in the late chief naval officers respect. Chosen Sources Pictures of Modern Japanese Leaders: Togo HeihachiroTogos Report of the Battle of TsushimaTime: Togo of Tsushima

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Great Global Warming Swindle Essay

â€Å"A Great Global Warming Swindle† was a narrative which suggested that the expansion in the measure of climatic carbon dioxide was not the reason for the expansion in temperature. It states in any case: the expanding measure of carbon dioxide is itself the consequence of the rising temperature. For the most part, the narrative affirms that man-made an Earth-wide temperature boost is a falsehood. Before our film appearing, I have just watched Al Gore’s â€Å"An Inconvenient Truth† twice. â€Å"A Great Global Warming Swindle† introduced a ton distinctive view and it very made things somewhat confounding. I used to be a hundred and one percent sure that a dangerous atmospheric devation is undoubtedly principally brought about by the expanded measure of nursery gasses in the climate however in the wake of viewing the narrative, well it changes things since thoughts get stirred up. What's more, presently, I am being introduced two thoughts which are negating one another. In view of my own comprehension and information about the thought, I firmly accept that carbon dioxide assumes a significant job in the as of now fast increment of worldwide temperature. To the extent I could recollect, since rudimentary it has consistently been talked about in my science class that nursery gasses cause an Earth-wide temperature boost and that carbon dioxide is an ozone depleting substance. It has been similar to that for like†¦ until the end of time? My mom let me know once that one time when she went to Baguio, snow fell. I truly don’t know whether she was coming clean yet being a youngster, I trusted her. At the point when she revealed to me that story, I surmise I was 5 years of age. During those occasions, going out in the sun during 9 o’clock in the first part of the day is as yet protected and it won’t present to you any damage. The sun’s beams were still â€Å"friendly†. Contrasting those occasions with right now, one would take note of that: there were lesser vehicles; power was not a â€Å"major major† item; we have more trees and woods; deforestation and kaingin were not that rampant†¦ for the most part, we were carrying on a basic, eco-accommodating and less inventive sort of life. These days, our lifestyle has improved yet it had unfavorable impacts. The one that has been extraordinarily influenced was nature. As our method of living keeps on improving, so does the temperature. The temperature improves in the manner that it keeps expanding. As men discover routes in improving their method of living, they purposefully and accidentally wreck the earth †the expansion in worldwide temperature appears to go with it. Basing on what's going on today and on what had occurred, it appears to be extremely consistent that an unnatural weather change may truly be man-made. It is by all accounts caused incredibly by man’s exercises. Man has been pulverizing the Earth and a worldwide temperature alteration is one of the markers that it is to be sure in the skirt of devastation. However, the purpose of â€Å"A Great Global Warming Swindle† is that the measure of water fume in the environment is a lot more noteworthy than the measure of carbon dioxide. What of it? † you may inquire. It is important on the grounds that, in actuality, water fume itself is an ozone harming substance. This some way or another aroused my interest. Is it true that i was off-base for accepting that a dangerous atmospheric devation is man-made? To take care of man’s interest there are two things, among all developments and creations, that were demonstrated to be useful †explore and the web. In spite of the fact that exploration in secondary school has denied me of one figure fundamental a person’s organic development †that is rest †I did a tad bit of it to help my reserve basing on the assessments of others. Here is an outline of what I have perused from various sources†¦ â€Å"†¦ Although the narrative was invited by an Earth-wide temperature boost doubters, it was censured by logical associations and individual researchers (counting two of the film’s benefactors). The film’s pundits contended that it had abused and manufactured information, depended on obsolete research, utilized misdirecting contentions, and distorted the situation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change†¦ †(Wikipedia. ) â€Å"†¦they totally distorted me. My perspectives were misshaped by the setting where they set them. I was deceived regarding what it would have been about. I was told around a half year back this was to be a program about the fact that it is so entangled to comprehend what is happening. In the event that they had let me know even the title of the program, I would have completely wouldn't be on it. I am the person who has been swindled†¦ †(Professor Carl Wunsch, Pure Propaganda †The Great Global Warming. ) â€Å"†¦In different words, CO2 doesn't start the warmings, yet goes about as a speaker once they are in progress. † (Professor Severinghaus, Pure Propaganda †The Great Global Warming. ) As indicated by a few, the narrative may have wrongly introduced or confounded the thoughts of the researchers and the information they have assembled. They may have spread crazy contentions and have created incredible turmoil, particularly to the watchers. To other people, the narrative may have been illumination to what is truly occurring. Be that as it may, at long last, it is up for us to pick which side we will accept. It doesn't make a difference on the off chance that you are the one in particular who appears to have an alternate view contrasted with others. Continuously recollect, there are no off-base opinions†¦ just those that contradict everybody else’s.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Community Governance Mechanisms Research Assignment - 1925 Words

Community Governance Mechanisms Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Online User Communities and Governance MechanismsClient First Name SurnameInstituteMany scholars have stressed the importance of knowledge mobilization within a user community, which includes knowledge creation, sharing and reuse. Recent organizational literatures are also emphasizing on effective management of knowledge mobilization, emerging as a crucial component for business innovation and establishment. This essay opens discussion with these two areas of concern. In doing so, this paper particularly gives emphasize on online user communities involved in open source projects as these kind of projects offer highest freedom of communication, user-specific free knowledge sharing and prioritization of products. New age online business giants are also using open participation of user communities to systematically arrange and upgrade their own organizational knowledge database. Thus, this essay gives insights to such online business models and their adoption of knowled ge governance strategies to effectively manage user-created knowledge acquisition.Virtual User Communities: The E-AssociatesUser Communities are characterized by individual groups using similar kind of products and learning to use them superiorly by regular interactions CITATION Wenger \l 1033 (Wenger, 1998). These user groups with a common purpose offer advantages for their affiliates through the exchange of ideas, appreciation and feelings with each other. As one can rightly assume while searching for a product-related solution, individuals save hours by entering into public network and accessing its file-database CITATION Hippel2005 \l 1033 (Hippel, 2005).Rapid internet espousal has significantly stimulated the global recognition of active virtual communities. Remarkably, active virtual groups symbolizes an important swing from the conventional read-only Websites to an user centric, interactive, closely-knitted, participatory, activity based, appealing, new age web-platforms, technically termed as Web 2.0 (i.e., socialmedia). According to recent Alexa ranking, Wikipedia and Facebook CITATION Alexa \l 1033 (Alexa, 2017) are among the top ten global sites which attract the most user traffic on the Internet. Community building and user contribution are the two prominent factors on which these websites are based on.Tim OReilly specified the symptoms of these new wave of web-platforms, namely: Google AdSense, BitTorrent, Flickr, Napster, Blogs, Wikipedia, Upcoming.Org, Search Engine Optimization, Cost Per Click, Participation, Web Services, Wikis, Tagging and Syndication CITATION OReilly2005 \l 1033 (OReilly, 2005). Some common characteristics of all these new generation web features are user participation, openness and network effects. Features like user involvement form the basis of the new age socially interactive version of the web. The collective, cooperative, democratic approach of sharing enterprising ideas of online communities is attracting the m ajor attempt of recent e-commerce developments.By speedily disseminating information, consumer groups as user communities practice a commanding impact on business market CITATION Prahalad_Ramaswamy \l 1033 (Ramaswamy, 2000). As an example, closely connected, networked consumer communities can imperatively prove to be vital for the espousal and circulation of knowledge and innovations. Business models following open and distributed innovation process can purposively use these socially interactive virtual user communities as a source of external ideas CITATION Chesbrough \l 1033 (Chesbrough, 2006). Businesses can systematize and prioritize huge user knowledge data concerning their requirements, response to already marketed products along with suggestions for upcoming products. Numerous studies have revealed that incorporation of such user-generated knowledge has contributed considerably to product improvement CITATION LBJ06 \l 1033 (Frederiksen, 2006) CITATION Prugl2006 \l 1033 (S chreier, 2006)The Process of Knowledge MobilizationKnowledge mobilization process within a community, the diffusion/broadcast and possession/attainment of knowledge (implicit and disposed: tacit and codified) is happened to be complicated as well as expensive; and this is the primary principle on basis of which user communities survive. Polyani coined the terminology of tacit/ implicit knowledge to propose that expression of individuals, often unaware of the knowledge they possess, cannot always equates to what they know CITATION Polyani1966 \l 1033 (Polyani, 1966). Thus, unlike codified/explicit knowledge, there remains a chance that tacit knowledge goes unnoticed/ ignored for its inherent not-communicated, un-expressed, un-recorded and un-transferable nature CITATION Cowan_Davis_Foray \l 1033 (Cowan, Davis, Foray, 2000) CITATION Foray2004 \l 1033 (Foray, 2004).However, user communities motivate members to share this tacit as well as codified knowledge by regular and timely co mmunications. Access to the prospective knowledge hub within networked communities can radically trim down the considerable investment/ economic risks a business has to incur while launching new products CITATION Hippel2005 \l 1033 (Hippel, 2005).Individual members, spending free hours frequently with a community support, breed innovations, build up models, estimate designs and play on each others contribution make signature contributions to product developments which a business can seriously consider as a part of their future product evolution CITATION LBJ06 \l 1033 (Frederiksen, 2006). Enterprising ideas coming from external sources (user communities) can save a lot from product development expenditure. Additional benefits can also be assumed in terms of new product launch risks. Usually communities, using similar kind of products, construct the potential market of a business network. Thus, new/improved product ideas coming from a those communities, primarily emerge from their genuine requirements, difficulties or preferences and incorporating those ideas in different stages of product development decrease the threat of product failure.Community Governance: An IntrospectionIn user communities, frequent cognitive exchanges promote the formation of common knowledge societies and general collective norms CITATION Cohendet2006 \l 1033 (Cohendet, 2006). In order to permit helper communities to manage their participation to facilitate the sharing of blueprint and developmental appropriation of a service or product, open source projects often involve some basic governance/ controlling factors. Open source community members being the donor and the receiver of governance, the subject and object of governance are self-governed. Collective ideas and goods, produced by user communities, preside over their members. In a community each member agrees upon the collaborative prescribed authority while restrict it with participatory mechanisms. These democratic partici patory mechanisms, in turn, govern the very idea of community authority and help to change its map over time.Sharing knowledge, acting as a medium of community governance, within self-governed groups relies on its collective configuration CITATION LBJ06 \l 1033 (Frederiksen, 2006). In many studies, this configuration has been described as a marketplace symbolizing decentralized, disordered, unrestricted, zero-order-of-rank group situation where information flows and communication takes place liberally within members CITATION Raymond1999 \l 1033 (Raymond, 1999). It creates the perfect condition of effective communication in terms that when a solution is found it readily and freely flows among project members. Thus, in zero-order-of-rank group situation, lack of hierarchical ladder helps to share knowledge freely and surf information liberally available to all comers.Later writings also emphasize on a more centrality-based social structure of open source communities regarding commun ication. Hence, centrality or user involvement level determines the task a member will undertake in a project CITATION Lakani2005 \l 1033 (Lakhani Wolf, 2005). Moreover, these studies also highlight the concept of task specialization through which division of labour and division of knowledge exist among user communities. Task specialization separates users in two large groupings: actively participating/ core member group and passively participating/ peripheral member group.These self-governed user communities facilitates the creation of entrepreneurial opportunity among its users. Therefore, investigation of the community governance mechanisms to propose an integrated perspective of organizational management of this type of knowledge sharing has to be initiated. Hence the participatory, collaborative, and dynamic collective intelligence or knowledge sharing approach of online user communities is where most serious e-business models are heading their efforts and development.Governa nce Mechanisms of Free Knowledge SharingWith an Alexa traffic rank of 16, is one of the most important examples of successful e-business model that exploit free knowledge sharing/ collective intelligence in determining the story value of any news. Google Search and strong network effect are pronounced in the same breath. Google Search works on the principle of network effect where back links decide the importance of a webpage. Relying on user-volunteer-work or user generated data is the less costly way to build up a strong network effect. Till date, Wikipedia has over 5,376,947 articles with a submission of approx. 800 new articles per day; and all of those articles are written by volunteer users CITATION Wikipedia \l 1033 (Wikipedia, 2017).OReilly put special emphasis on collective intelligence and kno...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Starbucks Organizational Behavior Anlysis - 954 Words

Based on past experience with Starbucks both as consumers, and undergraduate students studying about successful business, we predict that Starbucks will be a theory Y organization, that promotes empowerment within its entry-level staff. Our first impression of Starbucks when we enter a local store is simply that we are going to get a quality product. The staff always remains professional but appears to enjoy their jobs. You don’t see Starbucks employees being yelled at and it appears that all the staff is well trained and knows how to perform their jobs. The wildly successful coffee shop that can be seen around the world started from a humble beginning with just one single store in Seattle’s Pike Place market, as a retailer of whole beans†¦show more content†¦Because they are hiring at such massive amounts it might be easy to come to the conclusion that employees leave frequently. But the America’s human resource head Marissa Andrada disproves this. She states, â€Å"Still, the company’s employee-churn rate is roughly half that of the average retailer† (Scheep). Churn rate has the potential to be devastating for companies. It can be a huge cost to companies financially as well as have a huge impact on their public image. Starbuck’s churn rate directly reflects itself in the level of satisfaction employees are feeling. Starbucks is currently receiving a rating of 3.6 on a 5 star rating scale according to Glassdoor employee satisfaction rating. The combination of this scored along with being number 24 on AOL’s Job’s 50 best places to work for list in 2012 (, and an overall of 4 out of 5 stars on These different rating sites give current and former employees the opportunity share their thoughts on Starbucks as an employer. If an employee was to rate Starbucks on they would be prompted to choose an o verall star rating along with the chance to leave comments in regards to pro’s and con’s of the company. To get an overall rating, combines ratings from the company’s different attributes such as, job work/life balance, compensation/benefits, job security/advancement, management, and job culture, as well as the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished - 1523 Words

The execution of criminals has been performed by nearly every society to date. The death penalty came to the Americas when European settlers brought the idea of capitol punishment from Britain. The ideology behind taking someone’s life for crimes they have committed is a simple one. If a person commits a hennas crime such as murder or rape, they shall receive the death penalty. In more recent times we now see many countries abolishing the death penalty. The trend suggests that the capitol punishment policies still implemented in the United States may be outdated, but yet there is a large majority in the United States who feel capital punishment is necessary. In contrast there are many that feel that it’s immoral, unconstitutional and should be abolished. The political issue is whether or not capital punishment should be outlawed in the United States. An explanation of capitol punishment and some positions from those who are for and against capital punishment will be giv en. Next, review the positions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and interest groups on the issue and how these positions interplay with values of freedom, order, and equality. Then argue as to why capitol punishment should be outlawed. An advocate for the death penalty, District Attorney for Oklahoma City, Robert Macy stated, â€Å"When someone takes a life, the balance of justice is disturbed. Unless that balance is restored, society succumbs to a rule of violence. Only the taking of theShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1192 Words   |  5 PagesNo Death Penalty Capital crime is something that is meant for people that are found guilty of committing a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or theft. These are offences that should not be taken lightly but by killing the offender, the government is carrying about the action that they are trying to prevent. Also, the wrong person may be sentenced to death. After this person is executed, there is obviously nothing that can be done for the terrible mistake to be reversed. The death penalty shouldRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?. The Death Penalty982 Words   |  4 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty is a â€Å"term that applies to capital punishment and is the worst penalty given for committing a murder or an atrocious assault.† (Black s Law Dictionary). Death penalty has been a part of human society and is legally approved for centuries. The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes. Death sentencesRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1925 Words   |  8 Pages Abstract This paper explores five published articles that report on discussion on the very old and yet to answer question of whether the death penalty in the USA should be abolished? The articles, however, vary in their stand on death penalty. In all article it is very different on publisher stand. They discuss thing argument with their own way and vision of thinking. Adina Nicoleta (2011) has raised question for fair trial on the proceeding of the criminal cases. In other article Maestro MarcelloRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1534 Words   |  7 PagesIntro The death penalty gives humans in our legal system rights to decide who deserves to live, a power only God should possess. Capital Punishment takes away our rights as equals. From its origins, the death penalty has been an inhumane, costly, ineffective, and biased form of punishment that needs to be abolished granting everyone their right to live. History of the Death Penalty Down through history, the death penalty has been adapted to be justifiable in the eyes of the people. By alteringRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1306 Words   |  6 Pageschanged since the 17th century, so why not the age old penalty of death? Capital punishment in the United States is a highly debated topic. Arguments that want to get rid of this method of punishment usually mention the many problems that capital punishment is plagued with. The death penalty has many issues that cannot be resolved, and since these issues can’t be solved, the death penalty should be abolished. â€Å"The irrevocable nature of the death penalty renders it an unsustainable and indefensible remedyRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1440 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty is a very controversial topic in the United States. It is implemented for the purpose of providing safety to the community and bringing justice to victims and their families. The death penalty is leg al in thirty-one states (â€Å"31 States†), and there are over forty different types of federal capital crimes that are eligible for the death penalty. These include crimes such as treason and kidnapping that results in murder (â€Å"41 Federal†). However, many argue whether the death penalty isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished968 Words   |  4 PagesEvery year, thousands of lives are legally taken under the death penalty. Why should we take more lives than the ones that have already been taken? The death penalty is the punishment of execution, carried out legally against an individual convicted of a capital crime. Its proponents argue that the death penalty deters other criminals who may intend to commit similar crimes in the future. However, there is little statistical evidence to support this claim. Also, execution eliminates the criminalRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1350 Words   |  6 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been used by many states, and is normally used for serious crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity, espionage, and violent crimes while other states use it as part of military justice. There are mixed reactions on capital punishmentRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1443 Words   |  6 Pages 6 Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished in the United States? Adalynne Francis CRJU 1000 Dr. Huss November 14, 14 Should capital punishment/ death penalty be abolished in the United States? Many feel that the death penalty is immoral and question whether the state and federal government deserve the right to kill those whom it has imprisoned. On the other hand, those opposed feel that by not acting upon the death penalty communities would plunge in anarchy and that byRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1691 Words   |  7 PagesThesis: The death penalty has to be abolished if American society wishes to progress. I. Introduction The death penalty, or capital punishment, is an archaic and barbaric practice; a fallacy of the criminal justice system. II. In the history of death penalty tells the accounts of the dramatic change over four centuries III. Counter argument A. Justice is the leading argument of supporters of capital punishment B. Supporters of the death penalty argue that the death penalty provides retribution

Ancient Greek and Modern Theater free essay sample

This paper discusses the differences and similarities of two worlds of theater: ancient and modern, with specific references to history and playwrights of each period. This paper looks at the many similarities that exist between modern American theater, and the theater of ancient Greece. The author focuses on elements such as costumes, scenery, properties, music, and choreography, drama festivals. The paper examines numerous playwrights, including Aeschylus, Eugene ONeill, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, the poet Homer, and their works, respectively. Emphasis is put on Greek and modern tragedy. Ancient Greek theater and modern theater today have many similarities including way of writing, clothing worn by actors and more, but they also have many differences. In the next few pages, I will explain how these two totally different time periods are really more alike than they seem while showing you their distinct differences too. Theater is a diverse and complex art. It requires collaboration among many artists, craftspeople, and managers in order to create a performance for audiences. We will write a custom essay sample on Ancient Greek and Modern Theater or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since the time of ancient Greeks, theatrical events have included such production elements as costumes, scenery, properties, music, and choreography. Lighting and sound are additions that are more recent. Each element in todays theater has its own designer, composer, or choreographer who collaborates with the director to focus the audiences attention on the actor in the special environment or seeing place.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Insider Essay Research Paper The movie free essay sample

The Insider Essay, Research Paper The film, The Insider, is about Jeffrey Wigand, a former baccy executive of one of the largest baccy companies in America. He is fired from his occupation, and is shortly contacted by Lowell Bergman, the manufacturer of 60 proceedingss. Bergman, played by Al Pacino, asks Wigand, played by Russell Crowe, to do sense of some documents about fire statistics, which belong to, baccy company, Wilson Phillips These documents cryptically show up on his doorsill. Wigand lets it drop that he has some inside information about Big Tobacco, a group of the seven biggest baccy companies. The information pertains to a chemical put into coffin nails that the CEOs of the seven midgets are cognizant are habit-forming. Large Tobacco has neer lost a personal hurts instance because their defence until so has been that they aren t certain if coffin nails are habit-forming. Bergman convinces Wigand to state his obliging narrative, and let it to be circulated throughout the media, by stating Wigand that it i s for the good of the state. We will write a custom essay sample on The Insider Essay Research Paper The movie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Bergman and Wigand turn a bond throughout the film, but are showered by letdown when all the different types of media garbage to aerate the narrative because of the effects that come along with it. Finally, they get the narrative into the newspapers. Based on a true narrative, The Insider s Bergman and Wigand put their lives, callings, reputes, and household at hazard by standing up against Big Tobacco. In this film, it was evident that the bottom-line was of import when make up ones minding on whether or non to aerate the narrative. But you can t regulation out the headline. After all, the headline effected the bottom-line vastly. It was because the headline was so unsafe, and controversial that the managers of the web decided they wouldn t allow the narrative to be aired. They would hold been sued, and would hold lost their repute as a respectable show, because one of Big Tobacco s defence has been to out pass their resistance. The money that would hold been spent on tribunal inst ances effects the web s bottom-line. In The Insider the ultimate power of determination appeared to lie, non in the custodies of the manufacturer, but in the custodies of the web the show aired on. When the section that trades with legal actions told the business department of the effects the story will have, and how the story wasn t worth the consequences, the network demanded that Bergman not air the story. Censorship plays a large part in the story. In the movie, Wigand is put through a rehearsal before the actual show. The most important parts of his confession are censored. He wasn t told about the changes until after the show is aired. Legally, the network didn t have to tell him, but by giving out a small portion of his story, he was subjected to ridicule because the show didn t give any of his evidence. He seemed unsupported with his accusations. Overall, I felt the film was a fair and balanced representation of how things work, at least in this situation. On the DVD version of The Insider the real Jeffrey Wigand and Lowell Bergman are interviewed. In their interview they say that the film is an amazing representation of what they lived through, and that not only was it accurate, but incredibly made, as well. I don t believe this way of doing business will ever change. Why would it? The big companies will always have the power, if not legally, than forcefully. Throughout the movie, Wigand and his family are subjected to the fear of finding bullets in their mailboxes, and threatening notes on their computers, and the worst of all, people, with guns, walking on their property at night. The smaller people in the world have to fight a hard and nasty fight to compete. Also, companies have so much more money than individuals. One person alone could not take on a major tobacco company, and six others who are supporting your opposition. There is no chance of a win. Also, in terms of the media s part in this story, the network s directors are the ones who decide what is aired on their channel. They would not put their lives, along with everyone else who works for the network, on the line for a major story. As major as a headline is, it effects the bottom-line, which is too importan t to overlook. There is nothing one can do about it. There are many businessmen in the world and none of them are going to put a good story ahead of their paychecks. At best, they ll sell the story to someone who is willing to take the risk.