Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ancient Greek and Modern Theater free essay sample

This paper discusses the differences and similarities of two worlds of theater: ancient and modern, with specific references to history and playwrights of each period. This paper looks at the many similarities that exist between modern American theater, and the theater of ancient Greece. The author focuses on elements such as costumes, scenery, properties, music, and choreography, drama festivals. The paper examines numerous playwrights, including Aeschylus, Eugene ONeill, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, the poet Homer, and their works, respectively. Emphasis is put on Greek and modern tragedy. Ancient Greek theater and modern theater today have many similarities including way of writing, clothing worn by actors and more, but they also have many differences. In the next few pages, I will explain how these two totally different time periods are really more alike than they seem while showing you their distinct differences too. Theater is a diverse and complex art. It requires collaboration among many artists, craftspeople, and managers in order to create a performance for audiences. We will write a custom essay sample on Ancient Greek and Modern Theater or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since the time of ancient Greeks, theatrical events have included such production elements as costumes, scenery, properties, music, and choreography. Lighting and sound are additions that are more recent. Each element in todays theater has its own designer, composer, or choreographer who collaborates with the director to focus the audiences attention on the actor in the special environment or seeing place.

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